User Experience Designer

User Experience Designer

About Me


My name is Aylin. I’m a UX designer / Researcher.

Currently, I’m living in Lisbon.

I’m working at Amaris Consulting, a technology consulting firm as a Senior UX Designer for a telecommunication company in their AI Products.

A drawing from personal journal, kendo lesson no:3

Besides the ongoing debates on machine learning and AI in general, I like working on AI products. I enjoy working on new and developing technologies. I believe that these new areas of business are the ones that must take inclusion and diversity into account the most.

A drawing from personal journal as a reminder to avoid preprogrammed behavior while working on my UX projects.

Here are some general topics from the previous works of UX;

  • Complex Dashboards: I’ve worked AI powered products for enterprises in telecommunication and I had chance to do variety of data visualization and sonification for users.
  • Conversational UX: I have been working on Xbot, an all-in-one platform to build and launch conversational chatbots for a year. The UX approach we use in this project is based off learning systems. We’ve conduct user testing to determine how the system should respond to each question or request, so they create a way to classify what the user said so the automated system can construct the correct response.
  • Inclusivity Solutions: This is my area! My entire career has been dedicated to caring for and working with disadvantaged groups. As a researcher, I am able to effectively communicate and conduct research in harmony with diverse cultures.
  • Setup Video / Improve Set Up UX : I’ve worked in a gaming company that I’ve created marketing materials, ui screens and walktroughs for games.

Here is my master’s thesis research proposal: “Designing a Board Game to Facilitate AI Literacy for Non-Technical Audiences”.

I love conducting research both in my studies and my job. I hope that next step in my career would allow me to combine the best of the both worlds: conducting meaningful research & designing engaging experiments.

I also had an art studio back in Istanbul, in which I work with different techniques like digital painting, sound or casting, molding, craving..

And here you will find some of my works that had the chance to be exhibited in local galleries.

Working on one of my led light installation piece from the Alphabetic Labyrinth series.

I’m have an INTJ personality type.

A drawing of mine showing how I feel most of the time as an INTJ person.

If you are still reading, thank you for staying with me. And if you want to get in touch or need further information please send me an email : (Yes, I still use hotmail 🙂 it is a a deliberate choice.)

After this part you will find some random information about me.

An image from my favorite comic book – Sandman (Volume 2) #18
Me squishing Tamer for no reason.

I have a nuclear family with my boyfriend and with our two cats.

I like collecting antique door knobs.

I took classes on natural history illustration. I like to draw in the nature.

I like wine – a lot. I’ve Level 2 certification in Wines by The Wine & Spirit Education Trust.

I’m an admirer of wine making. I find microorganisms and fermentation process fascinating.

Logo of The Wine & Spirit Education Trust.

This is me.

My hair started turning grey when I was 13 and for the past 7 years I ditch the hair dye and embraced my grey hair.

This is how my niece sees me and I think it is the most beautiful picture of me.

Derin Anık – 4 years old